Bluestone for Sidewalks, Patios, & Steps
Full Color Natural Cleft Bluestone – Wide range of e color tones with a traditional look and feel. Stone is carefully hand split creating a naturally textured surface
Bluestone Tread Blocks – Classic Beautiful blue monolithic tread blocks. Sawed in a 6″ thickness, 14″ depth, and 4′ and 6′ lengths. These tread blocks are impressive and make quite a statement. A New England favorite.
Full Color Thermal Pattern – Blue/Gray and Green/Brown are the two basic colors that make up full color thermal pattern. Striations in the stone help create a unique color pattern.
Bluestone Pavers – This product was created to make installation easy. It is a full color thermal bluestone sawed at a 2″ thickness in smaller paver dimensions, pavers are sawed on the full inch dimension to allow for a tight joint and filled with a grey polymeric sand to prevent weeds.