Lawn Care in Clinton

Summer is finally here in Clinton and you need lawn care. Did your turf survive the harsh winter conditions? Maybe you are noticing some weeds, like crabgrass popping up with the summer heat? Crabgrass can easily take over the yard, crowding out the desirable varieties of grass. If the weather had been really wet fungus can take over and wreak havoc on your turf. Have you seen some evidence of grubs in your yard? If you are tired of trying to do it all yourself, or if you have tried the big chemical lawn care companies only to be under-served,over-served or disappointed try Lawn Science. We are a local family owned lawn care company with an organic based program. We can address your concerns and offer comprehensive programs aimed at solving these problems and more. At Lawn Science we offer weed control, lawn seeding, lawn fertilizing and more. But how much would all that cost? Call Lawn Science today for a free quote and find out how easy it can be to get the beautiful healthy lawn you have always dreamed of.